Rechargeable LiFePO4 EN-12v 300Ah Battery pack

General information

This specification provides information regarding the performance of the rechargeable LiFePO4 battery pack EN-12V 300Ah manufactured by Enerthium, Co, Ltd. including the type, technical characteristics, warnings and cautions. The battery pack also incorporates Bluetooth® connectivity to access battery information and status using an Android or IOS mobile Application. The customer should verify that their mobile device and Android software is up to date and compatible with the mobile App.

Self-heating option for Canadian climates.


@ Battery initial Temperature 25 ±5°C

NO. Items Description
1 Rated Capacity 300Ah
2 Minimum Capacity 300Ah
3 Energy 3.84KWh
4 Nominal Voltage 12.8V
5 Outgoing Voltage ≥12.8V
6 Internal resistance ≤15m0
7 Series parallel application Max 4 Series or parallel connections should be performed by qualified personnel only
8 Limited charge voltage 14.6±0.2V
9 Floating charge voltage 13.8±0.2V
10 Standard charge current 60A
11 Maximum charge current 200A
12 Heating temp ranges -30–0°C
13 Standard discharge current 100A
14 Maximum discharge current 200A/ @Battery initial Temp 25±5°C
15 Pulse discharge current Withstand the 300A/3s
16 Discharge cut-off voltage 8.0±0.2V
17 Dimension Length: 522±2mm
Width: 240±2mm
Height: 230±2mm
18 Weight Approx: 30.5±1Kg
19 Operating Temperature Charging: 0~45°C
Discharging: -20~60°C
Recommended operating temperature: 15°C~35°C
20 Self-discharge rate Residual capacity: ≤3%/month; ≤15%/years
Reversible capacity: ≤1.5%/month; ≤8%/years
21 Storage Temperature & Humidity Range Less than 1 month: -20°C~35°C45% RH~75RH
Less than 3 months: -10°C~35°C45% RH~75RH
Recommended storage environment: 15°C~35°C, 45% RH~75RH
Long time storage

If the battery needs to be stored for a long period of time, before storage ensure the battery voltage is at least 13.2V (50% SOC). The battery should be stored as per the conditions and warnings indicated in this specification. The battery should be cycle charged (charge/discharge) at least once every six months.

Test condition

Standard Test Conditions

  1. Unless otherwise specified, all performance tests are conducted at an ambient temperature of 25°C±2°C and relative humidity RH of 45% ~ 75%.
  2. The battery can be stored up to 6 months from date of purchase. Perform a full charge/discharge and recharge cycle before use when stored for long periods.

Product performance

NO. Items Criteria Testing Method
1 Internal resistance ≤15m0 50% battery SOC state frequency of 1 KHZ ac resistance tester.
2 Cycle life (DOD%100) ≥6000 cycles Discharged at a rate of 0.33C until fully dischar- ged, then rested for 1 hour. Charged at a rate of 0.33C and voltage of 14.6V to full capacity, then rested for 1 hour. Process was repeated until full charge capacity was no more than 80% of normal value. Accumulated charge/discharge cycles is defined as Cycle Life.
3 Discharge Temperature Characteristics -20°C ≥70% At 25±5°C discharge the battery at a rate of 0.33C to the cut-off voltage and record charge capacity. Store the battery at various temperatu- res for 2h and discharge the battery at 0.33C to the cut-off voltage.
0°C ≥80%
25°C ≥100%
55°C ≥95%
4 Charge Retention ability Residual capacity ≥80% Charge the battery to full capacity and store for 28 days, then discharge at 0.33C to the cut-off voltage.
Recovery capacity ≥90%
5 Communication Function Bluetooth User can read the battery information such as voltage, current, SOC, temperature and other parameters.

Protective circuit specification

The batteries are supplied with a LiFePO4 Battery Management System (BMS) that can monitor and optimized each single prismatic cell during charge & discharge, to protect the battery pack from overcharge, over discharge, and short circuit conditions. The BMS helps to ensure safe and accurate operation.

Items Content Specification
Over charge Over-charge protection for each cell 3.80±0.03V
Over-charge release for each cell 3.60±0.04V
Over-charge release method Under the release voltage
Over discharge Over-discharge protection for each cell 2.3±0.05V
Over-discharge release for each cell 2.8±0.05V
Over-discharge release method Charge to recovery
Over current Discharge over current protection 500A
Protection delay time 0.5s~2s
Over current release method Delay about 8s after recovery
Short circuit Do not short-circuit the electrodes Designed For 600A /500us
Battery temperature Charge over temperature Protection @65±5°C
Release @50±5°C
Discharge over temperature Protection @65±5°C
Release @50±5°C
Charge low temperature protection Protection @-10±5°C
Release @0±5°C
MOSFET over temperature protection Protection @103±10°C
Release @75±10°C

Dimensional drawing

Warning & Tips

User should read and follow the specifications and cautions indicated on the battery before use. Improper use may cause overheating, fire, rupture, damage or capacity deterioration of the battery. Enerthium powered by EVB360 Inc. will not be held responsible for any accidents caused from abnormal use or without following the battery limits, specifications and warnings.

  • Keep the battery away from heat sources, high voltage, or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. This may result in battery damage, fire, reduced life and functionality.
  • Never throw the battery into water.
  • Do not place the battery in a charger or equipment with incorrectly connected terminals.
  • Never connect the battery positive and negative terminals with metal.
  • Avoid excessive physical shock or vibration. Avoid direct impact, dropping, stamping on the battery.
  • Without prior permission from the manufacturer, it is forbidden to dis-assemble the battery. The Warranty shall be immediately voided.
  • Do not use the battery mixed with other battery brands, types, or models.
  • If battery is fully discharged, charge the battery within 15 days to maintain performance.
  • Only use a recommended charger for this battery.
  • If the battery emits an abnormal odor, is heating, is distorted or shows any abnormality during use or storage, stop using and remove from end device.
  • If the battery leaks and get into the eyes or skin, do not wipe, instead, rinse with clean water and see a doctor immediately.
  • Keep away from children or pets.
  • Do not put an unused battery into a fire or water.
  • The battery pack supports up to 4 series-connected applications.
  • Parallel connection of this battery pack is allowed under condition that voltage difference is ≤0.3V, parallel numbers ≤4 groups, and operated by trained professionals.

Transportation & Storage

  • Based on the type of the battery cell, consideration should be made to the transport environment of LiFePO4 battery.
  • Battery should be stored in the warehouse 15oC ~ 35oC in a dry, clean, shaded and well-ventilated environment.
  • The battery should be stored in 50% SOC during transportation.
  • The battery needs to be charged every 6 months if not in use.
  • Avoid dropping the battery, turning over and over-stacking during loading.

Battery Operation Instruction

Charge and discharge

  1. Charging current: Do not surpass the maximum specified charging current.
  2. Charging voltage: Do not surpass the maximum specified limited voltage.
  3. Charging temperature: maintain within specified temperature range.
  4. Charge with constant current, then with constant voltage, do not reverse charge as is this may result in a safety hazard.
  5. Special note:

Overcharging the battery for a brief time will not adversely affect the use of the battery. Do not charge for extended periods of time or over discharge as this can affect the function of the battery and cause premature failure or create serious safety hazards, If extended floating time is anticipated, use the recommended floating model specification. If the battery is not in use for an extended period of time, its own self-discharge characteristics shall cause it to discharge. To prevent this occurrence, the battery should be maintained at capacity using a voltage at 50% state of SOC.

Other Chemical Reaction

Because batteries utilize a chemical reaction, battery performance will deteriorate over time even if stored for a long period without being used. In addition, if the various usage conditions such as charge, discharge, ambient temperature, etc. are not maintained within the specified ranges, the life expectancy of the battery may be shortened or the device in which the battery is used may be damaged by electrolyte leakage. If the discharge time is much shorter than normal after being fully charged per instructions and specifications, it may indicate it is time to change the battery.